Food Bank Farm & Gardens of Jefferson County,WA

Manager Needed – 2019 Season

Birchyville Garden, Port Townsend

Manager needed:

Birchyville is the smallest of the food-bank gardens. It is tucked away in a residential neighborhood south of Sims Way near Shoulds Nursery. It is ideally suited for growing lettuces, kale, chard, collards and herbs. It has some shady areas but also has sunny spots where beans, cukes or squash can be grown. Tomatoes did quite well there last summer.

Currently it is hand irrigated but there are plans by the owner to bring a water source closer to the garden and install a drip system. The garden is surrounded by a wire fence. It is small enough for one person to handle with some assistance.  for larger projects such as building plant supports  or cover cropping.  The garden was fully planted last year with starts from Midori Farm and other food-bank gardens.

The manager of this garden would work with the owner (Birch Shapiro, a horticulturalist) on the crop plan. He very much would like to be involved.

If interested please use the CONTACT link below.